
Education news, analysis, and opinion about effective school and district leadership
School Climate & Safety Teachers Agree on Most School Safety Issues, Except Guns
Teachers agree on their schools' top safety concerns, but they're divided over a policy that's extensively debated after school shootings.
4 min read
School & District Management 3 Principles to Help School and District Leaders Build Better Relationships With Teachers
Communication, capacity building, and a willingness to fail are key tenants of relationship-building, school and district leaders say.
2 min read
Equity & Diversity Laws on Trans, Nonbinary Student Pronouns Put Teachers in a Bind
Under laws passed in nine states, teachers don't have to use students’ pronouns and names if they don’t align with their assigned sex.
8 min read
School & District Management School Counselors Face 'Role Ambiguity.' This State Tried to Clarify Matters
New York's new regulations didn't always change how principals viewed or interacted with school counselors, research finds.
5 min read
Man trapped in maze.
Man trapped in maze.
iStock/Getty Images Plus
School & District Management Women of Color Bring Special Strengths to the Superintendency, New Research Suggests
They have deep expertise in instructional leadership and a facility for working with stakeholders and managing thorny social issues.
4 min read
Image of diverse faces.
Equity & Diversity When Graduation Dress Codes Clash With Students' Cultural Expression
Students have sued to wear culturally significant items at graduation, and some states have also passed legislation protecting the practice.
5 min read
A teen boy in a red graduation cap and gown wears an eagle feather on his neck. He stands outside among classmates.
Elijah Wiggins wears an eagle feather, a gift from his grandfather, at his graduation from Cedar City High School on May 25, 2022, in Cedar City, Utah. Utah is one of a growing number of states that have passed laws to allow students to wear items of cultural or religious significance during graduation ceremonies.
Rick Bowmer/AP
Student Achievement Opinion How Do We Measure Student Engagement? A School Created Its Own App to Find Out
The school-created app enables students to share their feedback on lessons and teachers to find out what students are saying.
Jana Benson
4 min read
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Student Well-Being Webinar After-School Learning Top Priority: Academics or Fun?
Join our expert panel to discuss how after-school programs and schools can work together to help students recover from pandemic-related learning loss.
Budget & Finance Webinar Leverage New Funding Sources with Data-Informed Practices
Address the whole child using data-informed practices, gain valuable insights, and learn strategies that can benefit your district.
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Classroom Technology Webinar
ChatGPT & Education: 8 Ways AI Improves Student Outcomes
Revolutionize student success! Don't miss our expert-led webinar demonstrating practical ways AI tools will elevate learning experiences.
Content provided by Inzata

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Science Whitepaper
Statewide Professional Learning Supports Tennessee’s Computer Science Efforts
Learn more about this collective approach that ensures teachers in any grade band are equipped with strategies to provide computer scienc...
Content provided by Battelle
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College & Workforce Readiness Sponsor
Growing From Pioneers to Warriors
For decades, Merrimack College has enjoyed a deep and fruitful partnership with Lawrence, Massachusetts, a city of more than 89,000 about five miles north of the College
Content provided by Merrimack College
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English-Language Learners Sponsor
Increasing Equity in Education for English Language Learners in the US
Timekettle Translator Earbuds are the best solution for overcoming language barriers in education
Content provided by Timekettle

EdWeek Top School Jobs

Chief Academic Officer, Providence Public School District
Providence, Rhode Island
Hazard, Young, Attea & Associates
Chief of Talent Management and Labor Relations, Allentown School District
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Hazard, Young, Attea & Associates
Chief of Performance Management, Equity & Accountability, Allentown SD, PA
Allentown, Pennsylvania
Hazard, Young, Attea & Associates
Director II, Employee-Management Relations
Clark County School District