
Education news, analysis, and opinion about the policies around and use of educational technology
Classroom Technology How Schools Can Harness AI for Learning: Advice From the Khan Academy
The chief learning officer for the Khan Academy outlines how schools can use AI in smart, ethical ways.
3 min read
Future of Work Opinion How Will AI Automation Affect Career and Technical Education?
It’s always been important to get education right for all students, but the arrival of ChatGPT means it’s now more important than ever.
6 min read
Events & Webinars Webinars on Education Technology
Browse and register for free professional development on classroom technology, student data, ed-tech policy, future of work, personalized learning, and more.
Classroom Technology Can AI Tutor Students? Why It’s Unlikely to Take Over the Job Entirely
Tutoring hinges on a strong, sustained relationship. AI bots don't possess that level of empathy or continuity yet.
4 min read
Vector illustration of a robot teacher and students. Robot teacher is standing on a cellphone with a chat bubble above its head a math equations and graphs projected in the air behind him.
Classroom Technology Opinion AI Isn't Going Anywhere. Ideas for How Educators Can Make It Work for Them
The inevitability of AI requires that we teach students how to use it responsibly. If we don't, we all lose.
8 min read
Images shows colorful speech bubbles that say "Q," "&," and "A."
Classroom Technology What ChatGPT Could Mean for Tutoring
AI tools could help personalize tutoring plans, analyze coaching sessions, and potentially even take over as tutor. But is that a good idea?
9 min read
Illustration of an AI chatbot assist on the face of a cellphone tutoring a kid student doing homework with subject matter icons floating all around him.
Classroom Technology Letter to the Editor ChatGPT and AI Are Reshaping Education
If students are using artificial intelligence to cheat, educators should take issue with the assignments, not AI, says this letter.
1 min read
Education Week opinion letters submissions
Gwen Keraval for Education Week

EdWeek Market Brief

Market Trends Texas Is Overhauling Its Curriculum Adoption Process. Here’s What It Means for Ed. Companies
Legislation headed to Gov. Greg Abbott's desk creates new incentives for districts to buy state-approved materials.
David Saleh Rauf
11 min read
Marketplace K-12 Lenders Sue Indian Ed-Tech Juggernaut Byju’s Over $1.2B Loan
Byju’s disputed the allegations, and said they “are related to an inconsequential technical matter” and that all payment obligations have been met.
Michelle Caffrey
4 min read
Purchasing Alert Maryland District Seeks Adaptive Reading Program; Texas System to Buy Instructional Materials
A district in Texas is looking for classroom and instructional materials, while a Maryland school system seeks an adaptive reading program.
Emma Kate Fittes
2 min read
Exclusive Data The Programs Most Likely to Go Away When Stimulus Funding Ends
EdWeek Market Brief asked district and school leaders which programs and services their systems will pare back as stimulus funding goes away.
7 min read

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Statewide Professional Learning Supports Tennessee’s Computer Science Efforts
Learn more about this collective approach that ensures teachers in any grade band are equipped with strategies to provide computer scienc...
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Growing From Pioneers to Warriors
For decades, Merrimack College has enjoyed a deep and fruitful partnership with Lawrence, Massachusetts, a city of more than 89,000 about five miles north of the College
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Increasing Equity in Education for English Language Learners in the US
Timekettle Translator Earbuds are the best solution for overcoming language barriers in education
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